Hypnobirthing is simple, logical and profound - and it works!
Breathing, relaxations and positive statements have been used for over 70 years, possibly more. They are good but, if they were all that was needed to achieve a positive birthing experience, nothing else would have been needed, so what we do would never have evolved.
So what is different?:
Release Fear. You will learn in the course that fear is the root cause of all the problems.
Birthing Parters role. Clearly and simply defined, so you birthing partner has a positive role in pregnancy and birth and is an asset in the birthing room
Practice. Clearly defined at the end of each part. It's in the daily practice that the real work of Gratifying Hypnobirthing is done and change takes place, not at the class or at the birth.
The Maternity System. Hypnobirthing is unlikely to work well unless you understand how the maternity system works and how to navigate your way through it. The choices you need to make, their implications, and the alternatives available to you
Hypnobirthing is NOT a method of pain relief, it is a different principle. However it is often lumped with pain relief methods
Hypnobirthing works on the premise that pain need not be there in the manner you may think
Is it Mind over matter?
No. If the body and mind are working together in the way nature intended there may not be pain or as much pain as anticipated in the first place so pain does not need to be relieved
Through Gratifying Hypnobirthing you learn to let go.
It’s the total opposite to exams, etc. it’s a system of less and less, not more and more.
Before an exam we study, cram - more and more - and then produce everything you have remembered on the day
At Gratifying Hypnobirthing it’s not just a bunch of techniques for birth. You will learn to let go of fear, assumptions and preconceptions so your body and mind can work in the way nature intended on the day.
Giving birth is not something you do, it's something that happens - like any other natural function.
Gratifying Hypnobirthing is made up of simple, small things that, put together make a big difference. The more you do, the better your birth will be.
Many of them you will like, agree with, and decide they are for you.
I would love to be alongside you on your journey to welcome your new baby into the world!